When I was walking through the ' Avenue of Dead' was really stunned to see the width of that road and a grief put me down to see those ruined apartments. Checked in Google map and get to know that its 130 ft wide, can you just imagine this huge road was made during 100 BCE ? There are multiple ruined but well planned apartments, plazas at both sides of the road. During my Mexico days I travelled to the capital city and around 50 km off from there an ancient Mesoamerica i.e. Mayan city is still present which known as Teotihuacan . But it's not that same name which was used during 100 BCE -650 CE. Actually, the earlier name of that city is still unknown, no clue about the name. The Sun pyramid With a big curiosity and great interests I wish to visit that city at first, because the city is positioned in the 'Pyramid belt around the world' ... comparable to the largest pyramids of Egypt . Yep, 3 among 15 Mesoamerica pyramids are present in t...
... love to explore the paths