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Australia's native Birds

All the continents having their native plants and animals, flora and fauna respectively the biological terms.  Though Kangaroo, Koala, Black Swan, Cape Barren goose are the strictly native to Australia but other than those I found some of the birds and animals who are exclusively native to this southern hemisphere continent.

Emu : Large flightless bird native to Australia. Due to the small size of head compare to the body size both the Emu and Ostrich having lesser brain development. They are so good in running. 

Ostrich are native to Africa, though both looks alike but Ostrich is bigger in size than Emu and it has 3 toed foot but Emu having 2 toed foot.  

Superb fairywren is a common passerine bird of Australian wren community. The prominent sexual dimorphism is visible during the breeding season while the male one showing a bright blue plumage at forehead. This species of wren are common in south eastern part of Australia. No doubt they are superb dancers. 

Male Superb fairywren

Female Superb fairywren

 Superb fairywren couple

The chirping and dance of Superb fairywren

Red-browed finch is common in east and south coast of Australia. They are commonly found in temperate forest, mangrove and dry habitats. This is having bright red stripe on eye as brow and red ramp. The body covered with beautiful combination on olive and grey plumage. But the juvenile one doesn't have the bright red distinguished mark and the olive colour.  The live in community and so good dancer bird. 

Red-browed finch

Red-browed finch couple

Australian magpie is alike our crow but they have black and white passerine. This species is common and native to Australia, New Zealand. 

The magpie is showing you the path in Flinders street. 

Crested Pigeon

Australasian darter, white faced heron 

Black crown heron

Australian spotted crake

Sea gulls at Indian ocean. 

The gulls colloquially gulls at the popular Fed. Square to find foods. 

Cape Barren Goose, the name of these bird family derived as they origin at the Cape Barren island. Native in southern Australia. Jardwadjali is the local language of Tasmania and locally this bird is called as 'toolka'.

Cape Barren goose couple.

Australian Grebe. 

Australian Grebe. 

Galah, a beautiful bird, so bright in color and highly clever. Unfortunately I have seen then some times but those time I was not carrying my DSLR so couldn't get prominent photo through mobile click only captured the photo that's why there is no clear photos . also known as pink-grey cockatoo. With its bright pink and grey plumage combination it is most prominently found anywhere in Australia, like, open field, road side, urban area. It bird even is the most common cockatoo in Australia. The term Galah is derived from 'gilaa' a word from the neighbour aboriginal (first people)  language spoken in north-western Wales. 

Black Swan, prestigious bird of Australia. The state flag of Western Australia adopted the black swan. This large water body bird exclusively native to Australian continents, though as ornamental birds black swan introduces few countries of Europe and America. The bight black colour of outer plumage with white inner plumage and red beak gives awesome look to the bird. They are so adaptive, and throughout Australia you can see this bird.

Purple Swanphen, this bird as a group can visible around the freshwater body, marsh, swamp are of Australia. It has an unique walking style, while it walks it flicks it's tail up and down so the white undertail can be noticed. They are good swimmer.

Purple Swanphen

Bird- sound of Easter Whipbird. 

Golden Robin, Common parrot, golden whistler and of Easter Whipbird. 

Ibis walking near a small waterbody. 


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