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My days in the Gunj 2

Since couple of months planning to go in the Gunj but due to some other directions wasn't able to reach there. Finally at the end of year 2023 reached there, stayed in the colonial hut and explored the place on my motorcycle. The Gunj means the McCluskieganj, during mid nineties this hamlet was known as Mini England as it was the place for Anglo-Indians. But now only few family of Anglo-Indians are living here.

Yeah, here is scope to stay in the colonial tiles hut as few of the homes are still maintaining the traditional home. I reached on 22nd of December, and had an advanced booking as this time become so crowded due to the holiday and festive season.

While I was looking for my stay in Gunj as I used to do getting the contacts from google and calling them. Most of the homestay were not vacant on the dates which I decided to be there, but from the owner of Amyra homestay got a contact of Manojay the care taker Mac Garden and for 2 days he has a room.

Here is a story, Mr. Raj Kishore Gupta the owner of Amyra homestay is a retired Airforce person, who lived in McCluskieganj with his wife. On 2nd day got an honour coffee invitation from him at his home and followed by Dinner, unfortunately I couldn't attend due to tiredness for whole day riding to Patratu valley.

McCluskieganj is a hamlet, in the state of Jharkhand, enclosed by rail line, river and road which is in so good condition. 

History of  McCluskieganj : An anglo-Indian merchant E.T. McCluskieganj in the early 1930' established this Gunj for all the anglo-Indians throughout India. He took this place on lease from the erstwhile king of Chota Nagpur. That time almost 600 families came from different area of the country and due to their ancestral culture the lifestyle of  McCluskieganj mimic the England's style so known as Mini England.

 'A death in the Gunj' this movie was shot here, you may watch in Amazon Prime.

Few contacts for stay/accommodation at McCluskiegank:

Mac Garden( Manjay ) - 9162944376
Amyra Homestay - 9431901590
Gordon Homestay - 9835770679, Bobby Gordon the owner of the homestay is an Anglo-Indian

Ret. Airforce person Mr. Raj Kishor Gupta with his wife Kabita ant his Amyra homestay


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